oh hey! didn’t see you there!

current projects


current projects ...

i’m caroline…

*here’s your opportunity to introduce yourself, but I feel like that’s sort of awkward to do to a screen*

so i see you’re still here…

okay stalker.

allow me to introduce myself.

*get your pens and notepads ready, there may or may not be a test*




about me

(as if an entire site wasn’t enough)

My name is Caroline! I am an actor, I am a director, I occasionally dabble in designing websites, I write, I draw, and I dye my hair red.

I was obsessed with story telling from a young age.

From Riverside, CA I moved to New York for university and never looked back. I went to a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) centered middle school and high school, and threw my parents for a loop when senior year I decided I was going to pursue an acting major at NYU. My love and fascination for Math and Physics never waned, and it remains an influence on my work as an artist today.

My work as an actor is guided by my identity and experiences as a mixed Filipino-American woman. My work as a director is guided by my experience as an actor- with other creative and scientific influences.